This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732287. The RIO project started in Jan 2020 and will end in Dec 2020.

| The RIO Academy

Located in the S-MART AIP-PRIMECA platform, the “ROS In. Occitanie” (RIO) academy offers a new 24-seats ROSIn training Centre. This academy aims to increase the number of undergraduated/graduated/post-graduated trainings provided in the Occitanie region, which will allow a faster integration of robots in companies and a better dissemination of ROS in the Occitanie region.


| Next RIO Training events

You will find below the list of the next RIO Training events. Please contact us if you are interested to get further information.

| RIO Goals

A first goal of the RIO project is the creation of well-focused undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate training programmes that match the requirements of industry and will favor the use of ROS in industry.

As the shortage of skilled manpower is also a problem in education, another objective is to train new instructors able to operate the various training sessions.

The last objective is to integrate and control the various materials (automatons, conveyors, industrial robots, vision systems, etc.) available in the AIP-PRIMECA platforms using ROS. Indeed, integrating such an industrial-like environment with ROS is crucial as a proof of concept for promoting ROS among managers and to convince them.



| RIO Partner

RIO est partenaire de ROS4.Pro